Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Carson Daniel Ross

Sarah Lee Ross delivers

A baby boy: Carson Daniel Ross
Date: Aug 25, 2008
Weighing in at: 6 lbs 7 oz
Length: 18 1/4 in long
Time: 10:30 PMish
Where: Valley Hospital Spokane WA

Gma Paula and Sadie were able to be there for Carson's birth last night. Sadie taking pictures and Gma helping the nurse and Sarah. Proud Papa Dan suited up and delivered his son with Dr Anderson walking him thru every step, she went from a 4 to 10 in just a few restful minutes we were all in shock when the nurse quietly said "she needs to push". Dan on his computer, Sadie on hers, Gma Ross on hers I was reading and Gpa Ross walking around waiting and excited for the birth of maybe his 20th grandchild. It was a perfect perfect quiet birth no screaming no yelling I told Sadie afterwards that is not how all births go. Sarah's meds kicked right in and she only felt pressure no pain not one scream or whinning. The monitor showed hardly any contractions, it seemed as if they were going away but she was so relaxed and didn't fight them and it was wonderful for her. I called on my cell phone to home so everyone could hear but those listening didn't tell the others until after the birth so there are a few upset family members but they also could of came upstairs or left the computer. Electronics get in the way of real living........

1 comment:

Core Wife said...

Congrats to you all! How wonderful!