Monday, March 9, 2009

Christmas in March

Yes folks it is beginning to look alot like Christmas but then it has been this beautiful picture of white since Dec 17th. It is the longest winter I ever ever remember. The gloomy days will never go away. We did have a spring day last week and one the week before. The people were happy, some were in shorts at Costco (48degrees) I ran and bought my primroses and a couple more plants, well then it snowed the next day. I have my 12 primroses in our little red wagon in the garage, I pulled it out a few hours of above freezing days and they are just beautiful and so want to be planted. I go out and look at them to remind me "Spring is coming, someday".

Scotts steroid week began last Friday. He sleeps alot, doesn't smile and we stay away, well all but Sam this is his week to get even. Someday I so hope those two learn to get along before they leave home.

1 comment:

thirdofeight said...

You help me appreciate the weather here.